Mike Roy

Mike has been a song-writer since he was thirteen years old. The idea of writing an entire book had never been on the radar. Suddenly, in the summer of 2019, a book began to pour out. The result was Sin is Dead. Read about the writing process here.

Music stuff can be found at: themikeroyshow.bandcamp.com

Mike’s Blog is here

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Eileen Chevalier

As a child, Eileen designed schools and desks and dreamed about writing textbooks. Over the years, her writing took many forms, evolving from poems to essays to short stories and novels. This year, she finalized a non-textbook botany curriculum for elementary students based on the flower illustrations in her Typewriter Aalphabet. Link

Eileen is also (intermittently) working on a memoir.
You can read the first chapter here.

Eileen’s blog is here.

Aubin Elise

Aubin is the daughter of Mike & Eileen. For her fourteenth birthday, they gave her a laptop, thinking it would be helpful for school. Aubin proceeded to write her first novel in the ensuing seven months. It’s a young adult murder mystery featuring aerial arts, her favorite hobby. Buy it in whatever format you enjoy most.

Check out Aubin’s Website: here

Follow Aubin on Instagram

Mariella Mae

Ella (Mike & Eileen’s youngest) has written many short stories, and recently completed the first draft of her debut novel, as well as her first manga. She’s incredibly gifted and hardworking and we can’t wait to get her work out into the world.

We are proud that KKP’s first published work of fiction is Ella’s short story entitled The Great Plague which was written in 2020. You can check it out here: Link.

Follow Ella’s writing on Instagram

Or Ella’s manga / visual art here.